Welcome to BJJ for Nerds

We offer free concepts, tactics, and advice to improve your jiu jitsu.

Laura and Elias rolling at USC, Elias' alma mater

Latest Posts

  • Breathing Easy: How to Relax while Training BJJ
    Most people don’t think of BJJ as a time for relaxation. Even though it isn’t quite the same as yoga or meditation, the ability to relax and focus on your breath plays a surprisingly large role in: This is a…
  • How to Create Dilemmas in BJJ: Mastering Unpredictability
    In jiu-jitsu, we can choose to attack head-on or cut angles around our opponent’s defenses, attacking the flanks. When our direct attacks aren’t working, the correct answer is usually not doing them faster or with more aggression. We have to…
  • How to be Intentional in BJJ
    Many practitioners, especially beginners but even advanced players, often face the issue of “blackout” during BJJ sparring. After a roll they struggle to recall the details, only remembering that they were submitted or got pinned in some way. While this…
  • Why we started BJJ for Nerds…
    Introduction We at BJJ for Nerds welcome readers of all backgrounds, whether you’re a seasoned black belt or someone who has never set foot on the mats. Our goal is to share as much as we can about learning and…
  • Unleash Your BJJ: How to Become More Dynamic with Concepts
    Are you tired of feeling like you’re not making progress in your jiu jitsu training? Maybe you’ve found yourself at a place where you can no longer pull off moves and techniques that worked for you in the past, and…